04 March 2013

Prerequisites in local laptop:

1.Install Vagrant (The scope of this blog is only till 1.0.x)


2.Install Oracle Virtual Box


3.Install chef-client


Steps to setup Dev environment:

1.Clone the chef repo:

git clone git@your-chef-repo.git  

2.Copy Vagrant box from location below:

git clone git@github.com:kamalim/Vagrant.git

3.Adding the vagrant box:

$cd Vagrant
$vagrant box add centos-chef centos_with_chef.box
  1. Create vagrant project:
$mkdir -p ~/dev
$cd ~/dev
$vagrant init 

The above command creates a Vagrantfile in “dkit-dev” directory add the below configs in the Vagrantfile. This Vagrantfile config is for creating one vm.If you want to create multiple vms please refer to the sample Vangrantfile uploaded in Devops Drive

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  config.vm.define :dkitdev do |dkitdev_config|
     dkitdev_config.vm.box = "centos-chef"
     dkitdev_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui
     dkitdev_config.ssh.private_key_path = '/path to/ vagrant folder/ copied in step 1/id_rsa'
     dkitdev_config.vm.network :bridged, :bridge => "<respective ethernet port on laptop>"   e.g : "en3: USB Ethernet 2"
     dkitdev_config.vm.host_name = "dkit-dev"
  config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
      chef.cookbooks_path = "..<path to the chef-repo clone>/cookbooks"
      chef.roles_path = "..<path to the chef-repo clone>/roles"
      chef.add_role "indexserver”
      chef.add_role "access_controller"
      chef.add_role "readerprod"

Once the above configs are added, save and close the vagrantfile and run vagrant up. This will create a vm with the respective role mentioned in the config.

$vagrant up

5.Once the vagrant vm is ready, the application can be deployed in the VM.